Problem launching a session with my map

Hello, I have a problem when I want to launch the session of my map, it does not work and it marks me failure of validation of the project. Then when I open the error details it tells me “All loads failed with errors.” I recently changed PCs, so I transferred my map to my hard disk to put it on the new PC. At first it worked, but all of a sudden I couldn’t launch the session. I really need help and would be extremely grateful if you could help me.

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Is the path to the project folder the same/ correct?

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Since I changed my PC, I transferred it to my hard drive and then put it back on my new PC. So it’s not the same one. However, at first it worked fine. The worst thing is that I have access to my map but I can’t launch the session, I hope there’s a solution to this.

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Are you using HLODs ?

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Are you launching the editor from visual studio? This can give you more insight on what/ where something has gone wrong

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No, I don’t think so.

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Visual Studio? No, I launch uefn from the epic games store. Is Visual Studio an app to install?


Do a Build Lanscape from the Build menu
Use the Show drop down menu to filter results to see only Red Errors, ignoring the Yellow Warnings
Have you got any red errors ?

Do you have World Streaming enabled ?

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Every element on my map has a yellow error, but there is a red error. And as for world streaming, if it’s what I think it is, it’s definitely on.

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Don’t worry about the 1000’s of yellow warnings, they’re in every UEFN map, all the props made before some UE update do that.

Theres a start, the ocean… how do you feel about deleting it and putting a new one in ?

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I put in a new one, then built the landscape and there were no more mistakes. So I tried again, but it still didn’t work. In fact, it’s saying that it can’t recognize the shortcut path for the map or something.

Here’s the screen of the message it’s telling me

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What does the ends of those red errors say ?

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LogValkyrieSyncProject: Error: Failed to find public assets [Failed to read C:/Program Files/Epic Games/Fortnite/Fortnite UEFN/cache_cache/Plugins/cache_cache/Content/ExternalActors/cache_cache/1/RQ/DE8I03Q92RFO2ZLDTSJTFH.uasset]

Here’s the complete error

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If you put DE8I03Q92RFO2ZLDTSJTFH.uasset in the Content Browser filter does it bring anything up ?

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Can you verify the World Streaming, check the World Settings tab see if Enable Streaming is on or off

Your current map size is good for it to be off, but if it is on, it could be an old reference that doesn’t exist anymore

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Yes and nothing appears

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Yes it is checked.

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I tried to leave it unchecked but without success.

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Doesn’t matter, leave it checked


Now we should try replacing the HLOD file

In the Content Browser in your main project folder, called something like Default HLOD Layer

next to it right click and add World>HLOD layer to make a new one

now Delete your old HLOD layer, the window that pops up, select replace references and point to the new HLOD layer you just made

when it asks to save - Save None

now it should be gone

then go to the Build menu and Build HLODs