The error is:
“Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_BPI_Function_Interact_Interactable_Reference”. Node: Attach Actor To Component Graph: EventGraph Function: Execute Ubergraph BP Cooper Blueprint: BP_Cooper”
I guess the component is not referencing its owner well? What do I do?
Okay I have gotten rid of Interactable Reference variable and I have simply attached the Hit Actor to the attach actor to component. Now I can pick up the weapon.
The sword actor BP does not implement the interface, the actor component that is attached to it does. Do I have to make the sword actor BP implement it too?
But my actor component only returns information about the owner of that component. And this happens when the interface message is sent from the character BP to the component. So I don’t need the sword actor BP to receive listen to the interface, right?
Maybe I should just do inheritance and implement the interface directly in the master (parent) actor blueprint of all the childs (the different interactable items).