Hello everyone,
I’m trying to create my widgets in C++ in the NativeConstruct method. Here’s what I have so far:
void UUIController::NativeConstruct()
UHorizontalBox *panel = WidgetTree->ConstructWidget<UHorizontalBox>();
WidgetTree->RootWidget = panel;
for (int i = 0; i < towerInfos.Num(); i++)
FTowerInfo *current = &towerInfos[i];
if (towerWidget)
UUserWidget *newWidget = WidgetTree->ConstructWidget<UUserWidget>(towerWidget);
if (newWidget)
UE_LOG (LogTemp, Warning, TEXT ("Instantiating New Widget."));
UCallbackButton *button = (UCallbackButton*)newWidget->GetWidgetFromName("MyButton");
if (button)
button->Initialize (FString::FromInt(i));
button->buttonCallback.AddUObject(this, &UUIController::OnButtonClicked);
UTextBlock *text = (UTextBlock*)button->GetChildAt(0);
if (text && current)
My widgets are being correctly instantiated using WidgetTree->ConstructWidget and towerWidget is set through a blueprint that inherits from UUIController.
In my Pawn I’m creating the widget in the BeginPlay method:
void ACameraMovementController::BeginPlay()
SpawnEntity ();
if (uiController)
UUIController *controller = CreateWidget<UUIController>(GetWorld(), uiController);
I get no error while on play mode. The widgets simply don’t appear.
Is there a quick solution for this? Maybe am I missing something?
Thank you for your attention.