Hello everyone,
regarding the metahuman SDK available for free on the marketplace, i have some issues regarding the runtime application.
I have followed the suggested instructions:
- Enable the plugin
- generate a token
- Create A BP to enable the runtime functionality as suggested on : Runtime BP implementation
- Select the desired .wav file and the skeleton as " Face_Archetype_Skeleton" which is related to face of the metahuman.
After doing the above, the lipsync animation is not playing, the metahuman don’t show any animation, also the output log don’t show any warning/errors related, and also debugging the BP don’t give any useful information as that the code execution stops at “ATLAudio to lipsync” node.
I want to know first: why is the code not working properly? Then what fixes should i make to get things working?
Also I would like to ask about any useful documentation regarding the BP nodes of the SDK? for example : “Make DigitalHumanATLInput” node has some pins that are not very clear and also unknow values that lack any documentation.