Probably bug with LoadAsset node?

I’ve discovered something strange in K2Node_LoadAsset internals

Epic Games\4.14\Engine\Source\Editor\BlueprintGraph\Private\K2Node_LoadAsset.cpp(72):

	// connect assign exec input to function output
		auto CallFunctionOutputExePin = CallLoadAssetNode->FindPin(Schema->PN_Then);
		auto AssignInputExePin = AssignNode->GetExecPin();
		bIsErrorFree &= AssignInputExePin && CallFunctionOutputExePin && Schema->TryCreateConnection(AssignInputExePin, CallFunctionOutputExePin);

	// connect assign exec output to output
		auto OutputExePin = FindPin(Schema->PN_Then);
		auto AssignOutputExePin = AssignNode->GetThenPin();
		bIsErrorFree &= OutputExePin && AssignOutputExePin && CompilerContext.MovePinLinksToIntermediate(*OutputExePin, *AssignOutputExePin).CanSafeConnect();

This code connects internal assignment after the LoadAsset native function. After that execution is connected to the whole node output. But there is an internal event which fired when asset is actually loaded. Its exec output is hanging but “loaded” object for internal assignment was taken from this event.

Actually I’ve got a problem with this node only once when it returned NULL for the next node and game was crashed completely (to the runtime error handler). It’s not too easy to reproduce this because asset loads fast enough.

I’ve met this in UE 4.12 but this code is still existing in UE 4.14 in the same file.