Print Plus is an alternative to the Print node included in Unreal Engine.
Unlike the classic Print, Print Plus adds new lines below the previous ones, making reading from top to bottom more natural and easier to follow.
Just like the traditional Print, Print Plus supports each line having its own independent lifetime.
However, it also allows each line to have its own screen size, enabling more prominent or relevant text while keeping others less emphasized.
If the lifetime is set to 0 (the default value), the text will not expire and will remain on the screen until the game stops or the screen is cleared.
Another feature of Print Plus is the ability to add tags to lines. Using a node called Dump Print Plus, you can create dumps of the entire buffer (by leaving the tag field empty) or selective dumps by specifying a tag when creating the line.
Print Plus is implemented using Slate in native C++ and utilizes its own singleton, ensuring very low overhead in its usage.