I did a build of my level and many of the meshes showed up with a “Preview” watermark stamped all over them. Previous builds did not have this. The only thing I had done differently was to put some meshes into newly created folders in the world outliner. I then tried moving some of the meshes out of the folders and re-building, only to continue to get the watermark. I even deleted and re-imported one or two of the meshes (one of them with completely new uv and light map) only to have the same problem occur.
Yes, have run the build numerous times, tried changing some things, and leaving some things the same. No obvious reason why some meshes show Preview and other do not.
Does anyone have a solution for this? I’m experiencing the same problem. All my lights and meshes are static, yet complete lighting builds even at the highest setting produce “Preview” still over the shadows on terrain and regular static meshes alike. I can’t find anything about this anywhere. Using 4.24.1