In videos demonstrating destructible mesh feature, option to change preview depth from 0 to 1, which shows actual shatter effect in action is available, but when I try to set it from 0 there are no other options. Also my preview is extremely dark and I can barely make out model, regardless of type. Most likely a simple fix, but would be highly appreciated if you could let me know how to fix it! (also objects are not smashing when I import them, either from falling or from shooting a projectile)
Hey ,
You’ve got a few questions here, so I’ll try to address them in order. Let me know if I miss anything!
most likely reason you don’t have an option to view your Destructible Mesh at Preview Depth 1 is that you haven’t fractured it yet. Click Fracture Mesh button in Toolbar and it should automatically switch Preview Depth to 1, which shows 1 level of destruction.
You can hold down L key and LMB + drag to move light source around inside Destructible Mesh editor window. With that you will be able to get light shining directly onto your model.
There’s a couple things you need to do to get Destructible to react to outside forces. First, make sure Simulate Physics is enabled. Second, in Collision settings, make sure Simulation Generates Hit Events is enabled, otherwise Destructible Mesh won’t recognize collision as a Hit. Lastly, in Destructible Mesh’s Damage Parameters (Destructible Settings tab > Destructible Mesh > Default Destructible Parameters > Damage Parameters)
, make sure Default Impact Damage Depth is NOT a negative number. Zero is fine.
Now if you start your DM above ground in your level and hit Play or Simulate, you can see it fall and break into pieces when it hits ground!
Hope that helps get you started!
Hey there!
Thank you for great and detailed answer!
Unfortunately I have followed steps above but Preview Depth still stays at 0, even after fractured at various settings. I’m on Mac OS and have seen a few others have this problem. Everything else works as it should, but since fracture doesn’t actually happen/Preview depth 1 doesn’t show up, when object is in game world it just falls and bounces slightly.
Any idea how to get past this or should I just wait for a future update?
Okay, looks like Mac is having a couple issues with Destructibles currently. I’m able to reproduce same thing you’re seeing, and it looks like Fracture Mesh is just not working on Mac right now. I am entering a bug report for that.
Until that is fixed, be careful after you close and reopen your project. Your Destructible Meshes will say “Invalid” in Preview Depth dropdown, and attempting to Fracture Mesh will crash editor, as described here:
I’ll let developers know this is going on and hopefully we’ll get this fixed quickly. Thank you for pointing this out to us!
Excellent, I look forward to next update, thanks for tips!
Hi ,
Unfortunately this is a bug we’ve been looking into for a while, but we’ve yet to identify cause of problem on OS X. We haven’t forgotten about it and we will continue to look into it.