Hello guys. I hope that you are doing fine.
I am making an FPS game that uses separate meshes and separate animation instances. My problem is that since the two meshes are using different animations and different skeletal mesh assets, the third person mesh casts a shadow on the first person mesh that is distracting and unpleasant.
I found a similar post on reddit that suggests the following possible solutions:
Changing mesh visibility. (I already set the proper visibility, and also checked CastHiddenShadow to true on my 3P mesh since I want a visible shadow from the FP point of view).
Using custom depth filter. (This is an interesting solution which I know little about and I would love to know your opinion).
using emissive materials on the FP mesh. (I tried this solution, it certainly helps but it does not eliminate the shadows. It still does not feel ok. Setting the material to unlit and then use emissive is also a good solution but not quiet what I want since unlit materials do not receive shadows whatsoever).
What I think is the solution is “lighting channels” As it is explained in this you tube video. I haven’t figure it out yet. But I guess playing with different channels might get me what I want (I can’t figure out how to include both meshes in all channels but exclude them from each other).
I will be super glad if I could get more advice from you guys. Maybe I am overcomplicating things here. Maybe there is a Boolean or something somewhere that can do the magic without these complications.
Thank you very much.