Prevent sprite or camera from emitting light

I didn’t select an engine version because I was able to reproduce this in 4.11 and 4.12. For some reason my 2D sprite is emitting a strange light in front of the camera object see screenshot , the other screen shot shows how the texture should display. I’ve applied the paper2d texture settings to the source texture.

I created a level from scratch and it seems when I add another sprite infront of this texture the lighting goes away or is diminished. I can’t tell whether it’s coming from the camera or the sprite !? Very confusing since I’ve applied the OpaqueUnlitSpriteMaterial to the sprite. alt text

Any help on this would be great!

Hi Tyoungir,

You’ll want to add a post process volume to your scene. The values you want to focus on tweaking are the Auto Exposure (Eye Adaptation).

Set the Auto Exposure Min and Max Brightness to 1.0. This will correct the majority of the brightening up that happens in your scene. Also make sure that the Post Process Volume has the option for Unbound checked so that it works for the entire scene and not just when you’re within the volume box.

I hope this helps.


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