Cooking process of my game data takes around 8 hours. So I cook content with command:
UE4Editor.exe PROJECT -run=cook -targetplatform=Switch -Map=MAP -unversioned -iterate
After this I have cooked content in my Saved/Cooked/Switch folder.
Then I would like to prepare switch NSP file with final build and run command:
RunUAT.bat BuildCookRun -stage -package -project=“PROJECT” -cook -map=MAP -unversioned -iterate -clientconfig=Development -targetplatform=Switch
Which constantly deletes cooked data and starts cooking again! Why I can’t just package already cooked data? How to prevent UE from deleting already cooked data and run cooking every time I need to rebuild NSP?
If I omit -cook flag it complains that it can’t package uncooked project (which is in fact cooked).