Preparing VIVE game for standalone package

Currently i’m trying to build my vive environment so that i can run it as a Vive as a standalone game/app, suitable for uploading to steam or similar platforms.
Are there any Vive specific project settings that i need to implement/enable so that when i launch the app it will go into VR/fullscreen/HMD mode straight away, and that when no HMD is detected it refuses to start or gives a message to try again with a vive connected.


For Turtle VR I use the Execute Console Command node to issue a “stereo on” command from within my level’s Blueprint. I’ve found this to be the best way to get things going rather than going down the older “fullscreen” path. This works for both the DK2 and Vive.

As for detecting an HMD, you should be able to use the Is Head Mounted Display Enabled node.

And when it comes time to put your Vive game on Steam, you’ll want to change your game’s Steamworks launch settings according to what Joe posted here.

I hope that helps!

  • Dave