Precomputed Visibility Volume NOT WORK in UE5.3

Precomputed Visibility Volume is so important for mobile.
I’ve noticed that the Precomputed Visibility Volume is missing when using UE5.3, even after re-baking or recalculating. I’m using a template project provided by UE, and while everything works normally in UE4.27, the Precomputed Visibility Volume is absent in UE5.3.2

This is UE4.27.2

This is UE5.3.2, there is nothing …

This is my setting

Anyone meet this? :rofl:

I download the souce code, and find the Precomputed cells has build when build the light info. But some how, it doesn’t apply to the sence. I will continue dig it. bUsedPrecomputedVisibility this value always be false. Because there is no code set it to true. I sure this is a bug.

I find the PrecomputedVisibilityData is not set to view
This is my fix on UE5.4, hope can help others.

	if (ViewState)
		View.PrecomputedVisibilityData = ViewState->GetPrecomputedVisibilityData(View, &Scene);
		View.PrecomputedVisibilityData = nullptr;


r.VisualizeOccludedPrimitives 1

test in Cmd, it’s very good now.

This is the code commit.

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Another Problem!! The OcclusionCull Cost ~ 30ms

The fps only 30 in iPad pro.

RHIGetRenderQueryResult(PastQuery, NumSamples, true);

Final,I found the GPU Occusioncull is too heavy for my device, can we make a global var to control this and keep Precomputed Visibility?

I add a config option r.Mobile.SupportGPUOcclusion to enable the GPU occlusion or not in UE5.3. Anyone like can use this pull request.

do i have to build the engine for this?