I’m currently working on a cinematic and I’m doing a long and complex animation for one of my character. Since the character is moving along a big room, the skeletal mesh is shifted far from it’s original position and I’m seeing some issues with some vertices (across multiple mesh sharing the same skeleton).
This issue only happen with that animation. I have also an other animation starting from the origin and moving away but I don’t get this problem. I checked and my skinning seems clean on all my meshes.
The image below is near the end of my animation you can notice :
- The root bone doesn’t move, only its children (pelvis bone), I don’t want or need root motion in this context
- Notice the stretched vertices from the hands of the character
- Also notice the other stretches on the feet
The first frame of this animation doesn’t start at 0,0,0, the mesh is already far away right at the beginning.
At first I just re-imported the animation as I was just updating it, but even importing it from scratch (aka : as new) doesn’t fix the issue.
My current guess is that since the animation doesn’t start at the origin (position 0,0,0), I get some precisions issues on some vertices. I would really like to know what I could do to fix that, it’s a show stopper. :\