I place a PostProcessVolume on open map, the material is used Water Plugin of Engine, in Editor, it has effect on preview, but run, no effect(also in Editor). I don’t know how to do, thanks for help.
Hey @PengJiLin!
How have you modified your post process volume? Is your volume set to unbound, affecting the whole level? Can you share any screenshots of the error you are receiving?
Any additional specifics or info you provide may go a long way in solving your problem.
Hey @PengJiLin,
Checking in! Are you still having issues with your post process volume?
Hello, Quetzalcodename:
Sorry for taking so long to reply. The post material is used by water plugin: /Script/Engine.Material’/Water/Materials/PostProcessing/M_UnderWater_PostProcess_Volume.M_UnderWater_PostProcess_Volume’, In editer, not run, it looks right. And run, no effect.
Hey @PengJiLin!
So when testing this post process volume, does it still not work when pitting the volume inside of a water volume or setting the bounds to infinite?
Any additional specifics or info you provide may go a long way in solving your problem!
In origin water plugin, it’s OK.
I set the bounds to infinite, no effect too in running.
The way I use it is, I take the material out, place into new post process volume, in large open world.
Hey @PengJiLin,
That makes a lot more sense. You just copy pasted the post process material is that correct? These materials are made in such a way that they check for the water volume to function. Have you looked in/altered the material at all to account for that?
I thought it could be used directly, thank you for your help.
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