Postprocess particules, is it possible ?

Hello everybody !

I’m currently experiencing some stuff to make visual effects for a project.
I have an idea but for that I need to make particules that could apply a post processing effect.

For example, let’s say I want a black&white particule for a fire.
This one for example :

I would like, instead of a color, to have the particule to be “transparent”, but render what’s behind it in black & white.
I tried some stuff but quickly get stuck, I don’t even know if Unreal can allow me to do something like that.

Any idea how to do it ?


There could be a more elegant solution than what I’m about to suggest:

You can initiate the monochromatic effect by using masks. If I were you, I’d do some research on how masks work and how to implement them.

Because masks are used for materials, if you can get a basic material mask to work, then when you introduce it into your particle system, you should get the desired effect.

Here’s a link to something similar:

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