Postprocess material does not work with scenecapture2d

I wrote a postprocess material, it works well with camera actor, but when I set it with a scenecapture2d, there’s no effect. I set material both in camera actor or scenecapture2d like picture below. I don’t know why, I think my material is right because it works with camera actor.


And I set a texture target in scenecapture2d.


You need to set your Capture Source (your second sceenshot) to FinalColor (either LDR or HDR) instead of SceneColor. Because SceneColor is before post processing is applied.

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Thanks for your help. I set to FinalColor but still no use. My texture target still shows the origin image.


I wrote a simple material to test, just show the texture I chose. It also works well with camera actor, but no use with scenecapture2d.


Thank a lot for your help! I set the capture source to FinalColor as you say, but there’s still no effect. I write a simple material to test, just render a texture to the render target of scenecapture2d, it’s no use, however the test material works fine with camera actor.



Oh I see. I misunderstood your question initially. It’s not that SceneCapture is not capturing post but rather that your render target texture is empty when used in post material, right?

I think I managed to recreate it and the problem for me was that the capture camera itself was using the same post material so I ended up with a loop. Limiting the scope of my PostProcessVolume fixed it.

The SceneCapture2d camera should not end up using the same post material it’s render target texture is used in. So probably you should not be using the material in PostProcessVolumes which are set to have Infinite Extent.


Use it in volumes which do not overlap with your SceneCapture camera, or on view port’s active camera directly.
