I’m having an issue with my post process effect and transparent materials. The important part of this material are the outlines. With the PP material I need the blendable location to be “before transparency”, but because of that it won’t apply the outline to transparent materials.
I was wondering if there was a solution to this while also keeping the blendable location as “before transparency”.
When I search online I notice that there used to be a work around by turning off “Render in Main Pass” and turning on “Render Custom Depth”, but that no longer works. Is there another workaround that I could use?
Below is an image showing the outlines appearing on the texture when it is opaque and how it isn’t on the same material just set to transparent:
One question I have is; is there a way to get a post process effect to recognize transparent materials when using scene textures? I think that’s really what this boils down to.