The screen scale for post FX is incorrect after going from full screen to windowed in the editor window and PIE new window. Repro’d in a vanilla 4.11.1 build below:
New Project
Empty Project
Delete Floor and Skybox
Place SM_SkySphere at origin
Set SM_SkySphere material to 1,1,1 in Emissive Color
Add new post process volume and set to Unbound
Set Scene Color → Vignette Intensity to 1.0
Click fullscreen button in top right of Persp Window
Thank you for taking the time to report this issue. I was able to test and verify this bug and have gone ahead and entered a report for the issue (UE-29650). Once a fix has been made, it will be added to the list of known and fixed issues for the next upcoming full engine release or hotfix.
Let me know if you have further questions or need additional assistance.
Hi Andrew, I’m experiencing similar issues in 4.17.1 with custom post process materials. The Size output of the SceneTexture node will scale up as the viewport is maximised, but won’t scale down if the viewport size is reduced.