Post Process Materials & Level Streaming


Iam working on a Transition Effect between Levels.

Currently i try to use a Custom Post Process Material to apply my transition effect on the whole level.

This image illustrates what my goal is a bit better i think:

I have two levels, the Graphics level contains the Cubes the other level the spheres.

My question is:

Is it possible to have the Post Process Material only affect everything within the Graphics Level and leave the Persistent level untouched?

So i can for example blend out the Graphics level, unload it and load another level to blend in.

Iam pretty new to Post Process Effects but this seems to be the best Solution for me so far. If there is any better way to do it i would appreciate a push in the right direction.

Post process effects the whole picture, you can’t split it by levels.

You can filter certain actors out and treat them differently, but this has downsides, and I don’t think it’s what you’re looking for.

You can, however fade a level using a material parameter collection, unload the level, load a new level, and fade that in, in the same way.

A MPC is way to change the parameters of many materials simultaneously.

Downside of that, is everything has to be translucent.