(Possibly Fall Guys specific issue) Cinematic Sequence Device and Level Sequencer: Bugged and borderline unplayable rotating/moving platforms during gameplay

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Bugged and borderline unplayable rotating/moving platforms when using the Cinematic Sequence Device and Level Sequencer (Possibly Fall Guys specific issue)

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Bring in a platform you want to rotate or move in a for example square rotation pattern
  2. Set up the Cinematic Sequence Device and Level Sequencer, using Loop Playback and Auto Play
  3. Launch session and try to move onto and across them after the platforms visibly Freeze for whatever reason and experience the most laggy bugged experience of your life :smiley:

Expected Result

Expected the platforms to loop in the very simple pattern I created without issue or lag. aka a simple 360 degree rotating platform and a platform that moves left and right.

Observed Result

important to note that for some reason it works as expected before starting the game while in creative 1.0 on the island but after the game starts it goes through the sequence once and then breaks (visibly freezes) and becomes unusable in gameplay.



Additional Notes

this has been confirmed in a youtube video and by another creator who shared a clip of their experience so I know that it isn’t just me.

Check if you don’t have Enable on Phase - Always. You need to set Enable on Phase Gameplay Only. But there is another problem. The character will pass this obstacle. Don’t know the solution?

Try to place an air vent device. place an air vent and select it, now go to the options that are in the schematizer (I don’t know if it is really called that but it is the list of all the assets of the island) there you have to right click and search for attach and after that select what you want to attach to your air vent. and ready if the obstacle moves it will move with the air vent. now just adjust the hitbox of the air vent on the obstacle. sorry for my english.