Possible to possess vehicles created with Mass Traffic?

I’m trying to possess vehicles spawning with Mass Traffic system in City Sample. Successes interact and get in car, but can’t move that because AI’s input may preferred than player’s. Anyway to un-possess or detach from AI and controllable traffic vehicles as same as parked vehicles?

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Great question…

I’m also struggling to get this working… Currently trying to enable enter/exit vehicles in the City Sample project… I’m not able to enter the vehicles that are spanwed via the ‘BP_MassTrafficVehicleSpawner’, only the vehicles that are spawned via ‘BP_MassTrafficParkedVehicleSpawner’…

But after looking into both to spot some differences in the spawners, I cannot find anything related to the blocade of possessing the driving vehicles… Both spawn the same cars, right?

Here is a solution: [UE5-0 City Sample] How to drive AI traffic cars

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