In City Sample we can drive only parked cars so I’m trying to interact/drive that AI’s traffic with editing “BP_CarEntryInteraction”, but I cant get it what value defines car is running/parked. running cars are generated completely different logic from parked?
Alright I found it defined with “CitySampleVehicleBase.cpp” source files
void ACitySampleVehicleBase::OnTrafficVehicleSpawned_Implementation()
bIsPossessableByPlayer = false;
Changed “false” to “true”, and shipping build causes I could get in NPC’s cars. But can’t move completely and no way expect get out. Is anyone else looking into this?
Hi found a solution.
Edit: CitySampleMassVehicleBase.cpp
change from false to true:
void ACitySampleMassVehicleBase::PrepareForPooling_Implementation()
edit CitySampleVehiceBase.cpp
change void ACitySampleVehicleBase::SetVehicleInputs_Implementation(const float Throttle, const float Brake, const bool bHandBrake, const float Steering, const bool bSetSteering)
void ACitySampleVehicleBase::SetVehicleInputs_Implementation(const float Throttle, const float Brake, const bool bHandBrake, const float Steering, const bool bSetSteering)
if (bIsPossessedByPlayer)
if (bSetSteering)
Thank you~! The only thing I’d offer to newer people is that I needed to generate the visual studio files and rebuild the solution after following the instructions in this thread.(working in 5.1)
HI but i am not able to find these code in visual studio. I am using 5.4 version sample city project
you have to edit the cpp files and not the header files