End Goal: To create a real-time simulator and/or visualization tool for Modelica/FMU results.
Question: Is that possible with Unreal Engine (could be via python, C++, or preferably the FMI standard)?
More Detailed Goals:
I create multiphysics models in Modelica (an acausal ODE modeling language). I would like to first start making snazzy visuals for my results leveraging the various animation tools. For example, create a power plant and have pipe temperatures and water flow rate change as a funtion of what the Modelica spits out. Another example would be a car moving (wheels, driveshafts, etc.) moving in accordance with the Modelica results.
The first milestone would be able to simulate the Modelica model (typically only takes on the order of seconds to minutes) and then post-simulation, generate the visualization within a few seconds-minutes later without the need for anything but a simple PC for simple visuals.
The second milestone would be to export the Modelica model as an FMU into Unreal Engine (or vice-versa) and generate a real time simulation results (i.e., very little lag between model results and visual update).
The third milestone and end game would be to create an interactive simulator which couples the dynamics of Modelica with the visualization of Unreal Engine.
More Detailed Question:
I have no idea if any of this is even possible with Unreal Engine. I started playing with blender, found some nice python-blender things. But quickly found that rendering super simple things was destroying my life. I’m really trying to get an idea if this is just not what Unreal Engine should be used for or if I’m scratching at the right thing. Any insight, guidance, alternative recommendations would be great.
As always, thank you for your time and sharing your knowledge with us lower level mages.