Possible conflict with Rift Touch Controller inputs/events?

When etting up thumbstick locomotion similar to the video below, if I move using the thumbstick axis events, and press the rift’s touch controller trigger button at the same time, the trigger seems to conflict with the thumbstick axis events. It will actually change the values when printing the thumbstick axis values, and the result is that it will actually slide me across the floor in a drastic manner unintentionally. Curious if anyone has ever experienced anything like this?

This is the tutorial I am following for thumbstick locomotion:

It doesn’t happen for me and I am using the Rift + Touch. Any chance you modified something else like the Input mapping? Or did you activate Physics on the pawn’s collision capsule?

Thank you for your response vr_marco. I didn’t do anything to the basic template other than what is mentioned in the video.

Also, it appears I am not the only who experienced this problem:


Similar to my problem except in my case it’s not arbitrary. It’s the same value/direction being applied when the trigger is activated.

You’ve been holding out on me!

Unfortunately, none of your suggestions for the previous guy in the thread listed above worked for me. However, I did start disconnecting things and discovered your initial suspicion was correct. The collision setting in the blueprint on the hand was colliding with the pawn. I set up a new preset that ignores the pawn and when the code executes the grabbing function it sets the collision to the preset instead of just blocking everything like it did before.

@jasonh2013 Well spotted! I suspected it could be like that because I was also experimenting with the physics of the capsule and ended up literally “punching myself” around the level. A new form of VR locomotion! :smiley: