Since the 5.5 update with the Asset Interchange feature I’ve been noticing an issue with the FBX import. The bug that I’m seeing is that the “UCX_” imported geometry is getting imported as a new mesh and with a new material, instead of generating the collision. I tried different combinations of import settings but couldn’t get it to work.
This wasn’t an issue before nor is an issue now if I disable Interchange with the Cvar “Interchange.FeatureFlags.Import.FBX False”. Unfortunately I can’t upload the FBX model here as I’m a new forum user but my scene structure is as follows:
Thank you for reporting.
We are aware of some bugs around collision management with interchange.
ATM they are scheduled to be fixed for 5.6.
For the time being keep the interchange FBX deactivated.
I hope the fix comes out soon. This isn’t an insignificant pipeline issues for me at my studio. We are trying to use mesh paint and disabling Interchange prevents the use of that.