Possibility to export Reality Scan Images with camera pose to Reality Capture

What I see Reality Scan is a trimmed down version of Reality Capture while having a mobile image capture tools to mark the rough relative position for images. I would like to see if there is a way to export those information back to Reality Capture to process rather than relying the Reality Scan cloud service.

Hi RaSpect 3D,
there is no direct way for exporting such images, but you can find them and use in RealityCapture after export/import process.
Pleas check this threat: Can I save photos and export out of RealityScan app

Hi, I tried using the export images to extract the photo, but the problem is the relative prior pose for the photo are not there. I think such information is crucial for reality capture to regenerate the model successfully or else it just rely on blindly image feature matching, which the success rate could be much lower. Is the relative pose stored in the folder as well?

Hi, it is not stored there, only the images.