Positional Tracking Weirdness In 4.11.0 (DK2)

(New 1st person project freshly created with 4.11.0) When I preview in VR, the headset’s positional tracking works fine when facing the positional tracking camera, but as I turn left or right, the more I turn, the more the PosTracking seems to become almost’ inverted’ Anyone else experiencing this? (And I am always within the PosTracker’s bounds…)

Does it help if you go to your character’s camera and uncheck the box for ‘lock camera to pawn rotation’ (can’t remember the exact wording off my head)?

Yes!!! That was it. ‘Use pawn control rotation’. When I disable that, the rotation behaves normally. Thanks again …

You’re welcome. Faced the same issues when converting from 4.10 to 4.11.
The next problem I then encountered was that camera resets to pawn rotation when you destroy actor (when hp goes to zero etc)…

I feel for you. Mine’s just a matinee sequence so it solves my problem. I don’t get why the player BP isn’t set up this way by default, we shouldn’t have to jump through so many hoops when a project is created using 4.11.0 just to get it to work normally…