Position gizmo's in the viewport are broken (snapping to void positions)

Please select what you are reporting on:

Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?

World Building


The position gizmos that let you move props on each individual axis incorrectly move props, making them snap to invalid positions. For a better explanation, this gif will show the problem better: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1086021293817724989/1269435264284102837/thankyou_UEFN.gif?ex=66b00d37&is=66aebbb7&hm=e825ca04a0d5270c69c9f03c5805003a44f4bc1c6354cbfe78f066fd75728d53&=&width=1056&height=671

Steps to Reproduce

Select prop, open up the translate objects gizmo, try to move a prop using the viewport tools

Expected Result

The prop should move with the mouse in the selected axis.

Observed Result

Does the expected result up to a point, until it snaps back to a different position even out of the scope of the selected axis.


windows 11

Additional Notes

There are some other related issues with the translation gizmo, such as the white circle which lets you snap the selected objects to the hitbox of other object, using it with multiple objects will made them go misaligned

Fix Attempts:

  1. Reinstalling UEFN :x:
  2. Deleting the appdata folder :x:
  3. Toggling grid snapping :x:
  4. Disabling cell snapping :x:

Heya, yeah, that ones really annoying until you tick the setting in World Settings called Disable Editor Cell Snap.
I remember having to manually enter transform for ages till I seen that in one of Astrotronic’s posts.

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That still does not fix it for me, sadly :frowning:

Is it just for that prop or happening with all props ?

It happens with all props, custom or not. And there are some devices that are even worse, the player reference for example moves upwards while rotating it for some reason.