I have a large architectural project in UE5 and using a HTC Vive in VR. I have some difficult to navigate to locations in the project. I would like to set up a portal to portal arrangement so that users can navigate to a portal of some kind and it will move them to the new location within the same map. None of the Portals in marketplace seem to have support for VR. Can someone point me in the direction of a good tutorial or product? I’m coming up blank in all my searches. I am just using the VR Template as my base
I would also be interessted in such a portal to portal solution using VR!
Ya, most portal methods only work with one eye, so no VR.
There’s a sample Oculus project which might be useful to check out. I’ve not used it, but could perhaps give you a way to do it using the Vive.
Did you find a solution? I’m trying the same thing basically and I can’t figure it out.