is there any good tutorial on how to use procedural Landscape Spawners to auto populate cliffs with assets. I just cant get it to produce anything even close locking to be realistic.
is there any good tutorial on how to use procedural Landscape Spawners to auto populate cliffs with assets. I just cant get it to produce anything even close locking to be realistic.
If you’re using photoscanned meshes, you can’t
If you’re using full static meshes, you can use the foliage tool or procedural tool, but I often find it’s easier to write your own spawner.
And then, it really depends on what you’re doing. It can be a spline, or box etc. And you have an array of the meshes you want to place. Then you can randomize their size and rotation etc.
Do you have any examples
I’m already using procedural foliage spawners to spawn static meshes on slopes. It works but it just looks extremely unnatural.
I’m working with large worlds so it needs to be something procedural and only hand placed at some key locations.
My issue is I can’t get the assets alligned naturally to the slope. It just looks unnatural and very obviously spawned.
Can you show some pics?
By tomorrow yes, I’m no longer on my PC.
So this is Version A
And This Version B
And here for Comparison Arma Reforger
Ignore the Density of the meshes, was just testing around. However I just cant figure out a propper way to mis smaller and bigger rock meshes to create a realistic look. It always looks like spawned to mathematically and not natural.
Yes, it can be tricky.
This is going to sound mad, but try putting the material you’re using for the rock under the cliffs, onto the cliff mesh
The textures where just a placeholder. The issue was the placement of the meshes.
However I switched to other Rock meshes (Lordenfel) and it worked a lot better with them.
Added now the propper Textures and this is the current result:
I’m still not entirly happy as it still loks to unnatural at some places but it’s a lot better now.
Yes, but it’s a cohesive thing. The textures do matter. You’ll probably find these Lordenfel meshes look wrong if you change the ground texture again.
That’s why I said put the ground texture on the mesh. It really depends on the UVs of the mesh, but with some you can get away with it.
The meshes where the issue. Even with matching textures the previous meshes just failed to create any good results. Even if they where from a sock specially for cliffs.
The Lordenfal meshes worked instantly a pot better even without any textures or linear color debug textures.
Yes the textures improve it at the end but bad/unrealistic geometry does not help.
I often find it works best with ‘fake’ rocks. You know the ones that relay almost solely on geometry and have clever shading to make up the textures. You can scale anything you want, texture, normal, dirt etc, and it always looks great.
Those kind of meshes work best for this, you can just change the underlying texture its sampling, and off you go.
Haven’t got Lordenfel yet, so can’t really comment.
But this does look a lot better
I think the base probelm here is the expectation.
You cannot place stuff procedurally and pretend for it to look manicured.
What you can do, is spawn/place the meshes, then modify them with the geometry tool to have a better fit - for limited size/static scenes.
If you are creating fully procedural worlds, thats obviously not going to be an option.
Re the textures.
I use the ground texture as a fade over the Z using world position to get a slightly better look. It does help procedural stuff look better.
Either way, the core of the problem is the landscape. Keep that in mind…
Please teach me some tips on how to achieve the randomized spawning as you have here. I would pay for your time.