I originally would like to use multiple UV tilesets for one of my static meshes. There are 3 UV tilesets which are positioned accordingly. Also see fig 1.
- 0, 0 texture space
- 0, 1 texture space
- 1, 0 texture space
I see that there is a material node called UVRemap_0-1_Range. However I could not find anything, either in the UE4 documentation or Google, which is a shame, because it sounds like the perfect node in which I am looking for.
In spite of that, I thought maybe I could use a custom rotator node, but this confused me as well. I did find a few YouTube videos and people asking how to rotate a texture, but they all demonstrate that in most cases you would set the center point to 0.5, -0.5??? What do these coordinates represent? If I was to guess, this meant that these coordinates represent the u and v texture space. If that is the case, then wouldn’t that mean that the center point of v falls out of the 0-1 texture space and would cause the final texture location be off of the 0-1 texture space as well? However, while trying it for myself, I have noticed that, whether you put -0.5 or 0.5 for the v coordinate, the end rotation is the same. So, without any other nodes connected to the center point pin, hovering the mouse over that pin, it gives a state meant that the default center point values are 0.5, 0.5. Therefore, why are the demonstrations I have found state that you should use -0.5 for the v coordinate?
Which comes to my next point. In the UDK documentation, there is a material compendium, which lists every single node you can use in the UDK material editor and gives examples along with a short animation demonstrating how the example works. So, WTF isn’t the documentation for Unreal Engine 4 like the documentation for UDK? It really ■■■■■■ me off, when repliers ask the OP if he or she has read the documentation, knowing that after manually fishing through several pages in the documentation or searching it in the documentation search bar only produces other topics other then the exact thing you are looking for.
Would anyone like to clarify this up for me and explain how UVRemap_0-1,_Range material node.