I’m getting really poor collision performance when using the new experimental procedural foliage tool: http://i.imgur.com/VaMhHMP.png
Foliage settings: http://i.imgur.com/ZpRqVKa.png
Same map with hand painted foliage meshes: http://i.imgur.com/sP4em6b.png
If I don’t use procedural foliage and just paint the foliage the “normal” way (by dragging the mesh into the foliage tool and paint away), I get much much better performance even with collision set to “block all”.
Am I missing something?
I also get some kind of log spam regarding broadphase collision detection:
[2015.06.26-17.12.33:854][971]LogPhysics:Warning: PHYSX: ..\..\SimulationController\src\framework\ScElement.cpp (95) 32 : Unable to create broadphase entity because only 32768 shapes are supported
[2015.06.26-17.12.33:854][971]LogPhysics:Warning: PHYSX: ..\..\LowLevel\software\src\PxsAABBManager.cpp (541) 32 : A PxAggregate has exceeded the limit of 128 PxShapes. Not all shapes of the aggregate will be added to the broapdhase
(400 MB worth of log during a minute of PIE) log.