So, I’ve tried to use POM in VR, seems to be way too expensive to render, is there a way to strip down some calculation and make it use-able in VR?
It’s applied to rugs in my team’s level, we switch the material from POM to BumpOffset using LOD, so the POM only gets rendered when you are close, but it drops the FPS from 90 to ~44.
Yeah: Don’t use it. I discovered that POM is not good for VR. If you absolutely insist on using POM, I suggest that you only use that material in your highest LOD mesh, and you use it sparingly.
Here’s the thing: You have to hit 10.0 ms per frame. It was previously 11.11ms, but the new recommendation is 10.0 to account for any operating system draw calls on the GPU. If you run the performance visualizer and have POM, you’ll notice that your base pass render is going to get pretty expensive, pretty fast, depending on how many active POM materials you have in your scene. You won’t see POM materials being directly attributed as the cost, it’ll just be lumped into the base pass render as a mysterious cost. When you turn off POM, your base pass renderer will speed up significantly. It may end up costing you up to 2.0ms, depending on your scene. So, I’m not explicitly saying “Don’t do it!”, but I am saying to look at your performance analyzer to figure out if your frame rate budget can afford the performance cost. With the generous cost, you could be asking whether its more valuable to have better lighting and shadows vs. POM.
Yes, Slayemin. This is exactly what happened in the scene. 1:1 as you described. It was fairly hard to detect that the POM is causing it, becasue as you said, it’s a “mysterious cost”.
I got rid of it, can’t for the life of me get it to run. 50 FPS drop when I turn it on. And as I said, I’ve been using it on rug mesh with 2 LODs, it only kicked in once you are fairly close to it, just wanted it in case the player will go for a close inspection
J.C Smith, care to share what you’ve been using it for?