Hi. Is there any way to enable ParallaxOcclusionMapping for landscape?
Hi FiftyStarts,
POM can work with landscape materials, though it can be expensive to use though. Can you post a screen shot of your material and how you’ve set this up? Please include any details to reproduce and I can help get you setup usnig it with your landscape.
You may also want to check out a recent Twitch Training Stream that Epic did with Ryan Brucks. He goes into detail about POM and its uses.
Let me know.Tim
Thx for approving that POM works with landscapes. Otherwise I wouldnt even think that something is wrong with my materials. I’ve started to search for the problem and I found it. Looks like there is a little bug with names. If you call Param Texture Object ‘HeightMap’ then it stops working with landscapes. any other name and voila! - it works properly.
E como se faz isso amigo para poder controlar pela distância da Câmera
On the subject of POM: could you pleas elaborate more why it is a bad idea using POM on landscapes. I do understand why it could be a bad ideas, but if you can take a few minutes to expose a brief technical explanation it will be really helpful.
It isn’t a bad idea at all.
Yeah, “expensive” != “bad”.
POM is expensive, period. I don’t think Tim was saying it was expensive especially for landscapes.
Thanks FiftyStars for finding the solution…I was scratching my head for hours wondering why my material had stopped working on landscapes after converting a few nodes to parameters, one of which I had called ‘HeightMap’ - This should really be documented or raised as a bug.