Pointer to Incomplete Class Type is Not Allowed

I am getting the following error with this code. I am getting confused on what to do and have searched google for a lot of answers but I don’t know what they are saying to do. I tried the declaring the pointer in the the TeleportPortal.h file and assigning it there but that did not work.

The error is happening on PlayerCharacter()->GetCharacterMovement()->GetCurrentVelocity()

void ATeleportPortal::TeleportActor(AActor* ActorToTeleport) {
	if (ActorToTeleport == nullptr || Target == nullptr) return;

	//Get and save Player Velocity (from their MovementComponent)
	FVector SavedVelocity = FVector::ZeroVector;
	AFPPersonalProjectCharacter* PlayerCharacter = nullptr;

	if (ActorToTeleport->IsA(AFPPersonalProjectCharacter::StaticClass())) {
		PlayerCharacter = Cast<AFPPersonalProjectCharacter>(ActorToTeleport); //sets the playercharacter to actor we are teleporting
		SavedVelocity = PlayerCharacter->GetCharacterMovement()->GetCurrentVelocity();


Here are my #include statements on both TeleportPortal.cpp and TeleportPortal.h


#include "TeleportPortal.h"
#include <FPPersonalProject/FPPersonalProjectCharacter.h>


#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "GameFramework/Actor.h"
#include "TeleportPortal.generated.h"

Adjusted the code a bit but the error is still there:

void ATeleportPortal::TeleportActor(AActor* ActorToTeleport) {
	if (ActorToTeleport == nullptr || Target == nullptr) return;

	//Get and save Player Velocity (from their MovementComponent)
	FVector SavedVelocity = FVector::ZeroVector;
	AFPPersonalProjectCharacter* PlayerCharacter = nullptr;

	if (ActorToTeleport->IsA(AFPPersonalProjectCharacter::StaticClass())) {
		PlayerCharacter = Cast<AFPPersonalProjectCharacter>(ActorToTeleport); //sets the playercharacter to actor we are teleporting

		SavedVelocity = PlayerCharacter->GetCharacterMovement()->GetCurrentVelocity();

	//Compute and apply new location
	FHitResult HitResult;
	//FVector NewLocation = UTool::ConvertLocationToActorSpace(ActorToTeleport, this, Target);

#include <FPPersonalProject/FPPersonalProjectCharacter.h>

Angle brackets does an implementation-dependent search (essentially looking for system headers) which wouldn’t exist.
Use quotes to ensure that it just tries to find a file at that relative path. So change it to:

#include "FPPersonalProject/FPPersonalProjectCharacter.h"

I’m not a pro, but I think you need to forward declare a class. Either right after includes:

#include "TeleportPortal.generated.h"

class AFPPersonalProjectCharacter;

Or when you initialize the pointer:

class AFPPersonalProjectCharacter* PlayerCharacter = nullptr;