Point Cloud Manipulation VFX

Hello, i’m trying to replicate this type of effect on point cloud generated with Reality Capture :

Im guessing it is done by applying a noise to the height coordinates of the point cloud, i want to make it so a distance field creates said noise for a vfx project i’m working on but i have no idea how to start. i’ve been able to do it on blender and touchdesigner without much complication but i want to achieve it using the engine and i cant find information on how or where to start. Also the options to manipulate point clouds in UE seem very limited. Does anybody know how to do it or where i could find such information? I imagine it could be done with blueprints or with a niagara system but i’m not sure how. Thanks.

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Did you find a way? Having the same issue

Still haven’t found an “easy” way to do it. Best workaround i could find was to manipulate the pointcloud in Houdini, bake the particle cache and then import it into a niagara system in Unreal with the houdini plugin.


This is the only way unfortunately. I’ve been trying to achieve this for over a year now and I’ve combed through all the code for UE’s Lidar plugin and there is a section for ‘particle location’ but unlike particle colour/ size etc… we cannot access particle location whatsoever through blueprint.

You have to manually create this reference node and recompile the code in the plugin for it to work. I don’t know why they didn’t think of this, but as a result the only solution now is to use Niagara which is wildly inefficient for creating points clouds of large scenes which require upwards of 10 million points.

Since I’m no c++ programmer, this has become a very elusive task for me to deal with so instead I have to ‘fake’ it using World Position Offset in the material which doesn’t quite work as well as you’d expect.


Hoping there’s a simpler way soon, if anyone has found a tutorial please share.

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Hey, did you ever find a simpler or tutorial for it?