I think I need to sit down tomorrow and just read through the entire forums for and community content. I don’t know how I missed ! I’ve been wanting to get coherent, but I didn’t want to spend the money only to find out I am awful at writing html 5
is so cool man, thank you so much for your hard work on ! UI’s are badly needed in my game beyond the **** I have set so far… thanks again!
I can’t get ‘transparancy’ to work, I don’t understand it. I made a simple plane and the HTML file I made is showing but just white background… if i’am understanding right when I specifiy ‘Transparant’ the white background should be transparant? so I can make a nice hud? (I’am making the hud on a plane for some special / possibilities to show it correctly in a HMD…
It’s working for me out of the box, so I really haven’t looked into it. I was under the impression that you had to set the background color of your body element to white. In your CSS it’d look something like:
Thanks, after again looking to it / checking the wiki etc… I found out what I did wrong (really stupid though, just some ‘material’ configuration) I forgot the ‘alpha’ channel
Can you please help me because I’m completely out of ideas. I’m using default FPS project by the way, should I modify PlayerController or anything else in some way to get input working? Sorry if it’s something obvious, i’m pretty new to Unreal.
God I’m stupid, forgot to add these lines, thanks!
Now input works but strange - seems like it’s inverted and a bit lower target. I’m thinking that I need to rotate trace vector in some way, but I don’t know how. http://puu.sh/acACK/e0ddb23bae.jpg http://puu.sh/acAEf/c363295805.jpg
Hey , I am back haha. I have another question for you. I’ve set the HUD to call a javascript function on event tick. I have a 0.2 second delay added to my tick. After it calls the tick around 5-6 times, I get an access violation and my client crashes:
First- exception at 0x00000000667E7CDD (Qt5Core.dll) in UE4Editor.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
Unhandled exception at 0x00000000667E7CDD (Qt5Core.dll) in UE4Editor.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
First off… THANK YOU ! Love plugin so far but I’ve got one little problem that I hope you can help me with. I have the plugin working but video on Youtube won’t play for some reason, the whole page loads and where the video should be playing I just get the spinny circle thing like it’s loading, but it never does. It just spins and spins. Oh and I have installed OpenSSL, initially I thought that maybe because I didn’t have a SSL connection Youtube wouldn’t play, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.
Now I haven’t created any of the Player Input stuff, just the Scene UI Blueprint to get the material up and going but the video should auto-play (just like it does in Chrome) without any clicks correct?
Today I’ve found that Qt has a bug with HTML5 video on Windows, so, please check that you’re not loading HTML5 video (it could be forced in url for Youtube). Youtube videos will work fine with Flash player.