[Plugin] OSC for UE4

Great Monsieur Gustav, I have just download the new version of the OSC plugin and it works even with the 4.7.3 in Macintosh.
I was able to send messages to output and trace them with osc monitor.


Hi, How i Create Event On Received OSC???

I Download Last Version more not Receive OSC Messages… In OSC Data Monitor is OK more Im Not Printing Results In Screen…

in Windows…

For those who missed it, the issue on MacOSX is fixed.
So the latest version of the plug is the way to go !

It’s the first time I see that kind of error.
Are you sure it is related to the OSC plugin ?

I’m affraid you’re not using the UE4-OSC plugin.

I can’t help…

Great Monsieur Gustav, the plugin is just awesome!
I´m starting to explore the potential of your plugin, and I am just wondering if it is possible to change OSC receive port in the blueprint!
Keep on the good work…

Hi !

There is no such thing today.
The UDP listener is bound to the port when the play/game starts, and that’s it.
I have no plan to do it myself any time soon…

You can however modify the listening port in the plugin settings, even listen to several ports, etc.

Hi, i receive this error in Visual Studio when init stream OSC in port 8000.

Could you post an issue on the GitHub about that crash ?
Also, can you give me more details ? It happened in the editor, a development build or a shipping ? On startup or after some time ? It happened only once or it reproduces easily ?
Thanks !

Humm… Crash By Order Softwares is opened…

Unreal Engine is necessary Open Primary…
Ableton Live Before…

Thanks Man…

hi, im trying UE4.8 build, anyone else getting this:

1> Performing 3 actions (4 in parallel)
1> OSC.generated.cpp
1> OscReceiverInputKey.cpp
1>C:\Users\ant\Documents\Unreal Projects\OSC_48\Plugins\OSC\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4Editor\Inc\OSC\OSC.generated.cpp(165): error C2512: ‘TCircularQueue<std::pair<FName,TArray<FOscDataElemStruct,FDefaultAllocator>>>’ : no appropriate default constructor available
1>C:\Users\ant\Documents\Unreal Projects\OSC_48\Plugins\OSC\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4Editor\Inc\OSC\OSC.generated.cpp(758): error C2512: ‘BasicOscReceiver<AOscReceiverActor>’ : no appropriate default constructor available
1>C:\Users\ant\Documents\Unreal Projects\OSC_48\Plugins\OSC\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4Editor\Inc\OSC\OSC.generated.cpp(825): error C2512: ‘BasicOscReceiver<UOscReceiverComponent>’ : no appropriate default constructor available
1> -------- End Detailed Actions Stats -----------------------------------------------------------
1>ERROR : UBT error : Failed to produce item: C:\Users\ant\Documents\Unreal Projects\OSC_48\Plugins\OSC\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-OSC.dll
1> Total build time: 4.15 seconds

Hello Monsieur Gustav,
I understand that, although it would be better to be able to change the port during runtime.
The main ideia was just to have access to the listening port inside the blueprint and to be able to specify several different ports even if it is not in runtime.
Maybe I can give my contribution later in this subject.

Another issue that I have noticed was some problems with Openframeworks.
I have tested your plugin with OSCulator and everything seems to works well, but when I send messages from Openframeworks, the plugin does not respond.
Made another test sending from OF to OSCulator routing the message to Unreal plugin and it works.
The problem seems to be the support of bundles. I had the same issues with OSC and Unity.
I´ll search more about this subject and report it later.

To solve the open frameworks problem use wrapInBundle = false
sendMessage( ofxOscMessage& message, bool wrapInBundle = false)

This will disable the wrapping bundle of the messages witch are not recognized by the OSC plugin in Unreal

Grifu, any news on UE4.8 support?

Hi Grifu !

OSC Bundles should just work, if they don’t, post an issue on the GitHub. I’ll have a look some day… :slight_smile:

About 4.8, I have no idea how to solve the issue right now.
I posted a question, we’ll see.

I pushed the 4.8 version on GitHub, and a few fixes.

Dear all, I’m using this awesome plug-in to let an external program control the position of an object in the scene. The external program is sending new positions continuously to UE4 and generally speaking it’s working, but when the object moves fast, I get some jitters like if the object was shaking. However this is not happening (or I can’t just see it) when the velocity of the object is slow. Any Idea about what may cause this issue? Might it be some synchronisation problem between the software sending the data and UE4?


Hi Monsieurgustav, again your plugin is great! I have a couple of questions…
First, I am trying to set up my project using the inputs feature… the problem is that i am setting it with input axis, since I am sending floats… but the way these axis mapping work is that they do not go from 0 to 1, but from 1 to 1… so if i am using for example a fader in ableton live that sends OSC floats 0 to 1, then when the input axis mapping translates it as 0 = 1 and the when it reaches 0.5 it translates into 0 and then it goes up to 1 again… i tried playing with the scaling option in the input axis mapping without any success… any suggestions?
the reason why I am using input axis mappings is because besides them being handy, also i havent found a way to properly filter messages when they are simple floats coming of specific addresses…

thus my second question

here is my set up

The problem is that even if I am filtering the executions with the switches… they actually get mixed up because the pop floats are just getting any float that is coming after a message… what is the proper way to filter them up?

All the messages are coming from ableton live and they are just an address (e.g. /voz or /slider2) and a its respective float.


Hi Guillaume and Thank you of a great plugin,

I have got the connections however I am having difficulty reading the data sent from pure data,

LogOSC:Warning: OSC Message Error: element size must be multiple of four

Any ideas anyone, I am looking about online for a solution.

Kind regards,

It might be a bug in the plugin… I’ll try to have a look soon.

You might try to add a “counter” or “timestamp” parameter in your messages.
Using UDP, you’re not sure that the packet are received in the order they were send. (I suspect that it should just work on most LAN (especially on ) but maybe it is not.)
Use the “timestamp” from the last message to filter out every message that has an older timestamp.

Either pd sends malformed OSC messages (I cannot do much) or the lib I use under the hood (namely OSCPack) is too strict (unlikely but I’ll have a look).

Please, add an “issue” on the Github: (it makes my life easier)