[Plugin] OSC for UE4

Hi Kazhiim,
Too bad, I think we fixed the 4.6 the same day! Next time, do not hesitate to send me an email with your zipped sources (or create a pull request on GitHub)
Anyway, the GitHub version works with 4.6 now.

Hi, sorry for the delay, it looks like the “listening thread” feature of the forum does not work very well…

I’ve seen many crashes in the editor, using the OSC plugin or not.
I had no crash involving specifically the OSC plugin in the call stack recently, though.
Do you still experiencing those crashes?

Still, I tend to log massively. I suspect it might be an issue…
Try to comment the LOG calls and see if it changes anything.

Haha, fantastic! I don’t know C++, so it was like patching a tire when I’ve never touched a car.

Hmm: I’m getting a weird error where OSC will fail to bind the port I need it to listen to. Both ports 9001 and 8000 work in PIE and simulate, but only occasionally work when I compile or play in a standalone window.

Hey everbody,
first of all thanks to monsieurgustav for this great plugin.
After some problem I also get it to run.
My problem is that I need a way to cast the values from the class blueprint to the level blueprint.
Is there a simple way to do that?

Sorry if this is a silly question but I’m totally new to UE4.

I do it with an event dispatcher now. At it works fine.
I also didn’t figured out how to use the address filter within the plugin nodes, so i compare the address string with an EqualString node followed by a Branch to exec the event.
Class Blueprint:

Level Blueprint

I had the same problem. port 8000 works fine in the editor but not anymore when it’s packed.
Now I’m using port 7777 and it works also when packed to a standalone *.exe in 4.6 and 4.7. I’m not sure about it, but I’ve read it somewhere that the 7777 is a standard Networking-port for multiplayer.
So it should be open for sure.

Hum… Address filtering is not implemented, yet…
(I really should remove it for now…)

I usually uses a “Switch On Name” node to perform the message routing.

I have no problem using port 8000. If one of you finds the deep reason of that problem, I’d really like to know !

IT seems I am having the same difficulty with this step using version 4.6.1

The compile fails every-time.
I have double checked the instructions several times I am not sure what error I am making.

Does anyone have a quick solution to this problem?


Never mind to my previous problem. I found this solution, I must have missed it earlier when I was reading the thread. Problem solved. Thanks catalejo

With your instructions we’ve managed to build on Windows, but not OSX.
We tried both just putting the OSC folder in plugins and creating dummy code rebuilding in xcode etc. tried on 4.5.1 4.6.1 and 4.7 (preview) changing the versions in both the discriptor and the cpp for every permutation. We tried on osx 10.10.2 and 10.9.4.
this is the log for 4.5 with the dummy code method.

Thank you very much


Issue with latest release (early Feb.)?

I haven’t been able to build the latest release in OS X either (the early February changes tagged with “in editor, listen port only during play/simulate”).

My builds from the previous release still work fine in 4.6 or 4.7 but the newest code isn’t working for me either (OS X 10.10.2, 4.6 or 4.7)

I tried changing the code for the version 4.6 to 4.7 but no success on the compile… any chance MonsieurGustav could update this marvel :slight_smile:

Ok so I was able to make it work this way… I did change the references in the code from 40600 to 40700. Then made a brand new project on 4.7 and did the generate code, and refresh steps after placing the code in the plugins folder and it compiled… then took the binaries generated and put them in my original project… but it looks like things have changed on 4.7 and the plugin does not work the same. The option for adding an OSC component in a blueprint is gone, but the node for adding it at runtime is still there, so still works… but yes maybe the code has to be looked up/modified so we get the old options back maybe?

Compile in MAC OSX 10.9.5 Unreal 4.7

Thanks Catalejo,
I´m started with Unreal 4.7 today so I´m a little confused in how to compile this awesome plugin.

Did you made it work on Mac or Windows?
I´m having errors in compilation

Here are my steps:

  1. Change the fowling line of code in OSC.h
    #define OSC_ENGINE_VERSION 40700

  2. Create a new C++ Project

  3. Xcode opens automatically, and change to Editor build (near the play-Build icon) and change build for profiling (Product-Build for->profiling)

  4. Create a Plugins folder in the root project folder and copy the OSC folder to into it.

  5. Return to the unreal and make a File->Refresh Xcode Project

  6. Return to Xcode, and compile it

  7. Compilation errors

Same thing here, working on mac and 4.7. We would really appreciate to have an update because our team is stuck without the plugin!

Hey Grifu

It looks like those steps should do the trick, one thing is that there was more than one line of code with the 40700 reference, i did find I think I 2 more on other places, sorry do not remember where. I am running on windows…
But I still think that the code has to be looked up, because some of the functionality is gone, the OSC receive component cannot be added as a permanent component … it can only be done with a add osc receive node in the eventgraph… anyways, Maybe monsieurgustav is just busy… but it would be nice to see this updated. :slight_smile:

Castalejo, like you said, there are two more files that makes reference to the editor version, but we should not change them because it´s to check older editor versions. For instance, to use the settings.h instead of the ISettingsSection.h

I´m getting errors when compiling in the core unreal files:

/Users/Shared/UnrealEngine/4.7/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Public/Templates/UnrealTypeTraits.h:203:17: error: incomplete type ‘OscReceiverInputKey’ used in type trait expression
/Users/Shared/UnrealEngine/4.7/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Public/Templates/UnrealTypeTraits.h:444:35: error: no type named ‘ConstPointerType’ in ‘TCallTraits<OscReceiverInputKey>’
/Users/Shared/UnrealEngine/4.7/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Public/Templates/UnrealTypeTraits.h:449:33: error: incomplete type ‘OscReceiverInputKey’ used in type trait expression
/Users/Shared/UnrealEngine/4.7/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Public/Templates/UnrealTypeTraits.h:450:32: error: incomplete type ‘OscReceiverInputKey’ used in type trait expression
/Users/Shared/UnrealEngine/4.7/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Public/Templates/UnrealTypeTraits.h:459:28: error: incomplete type ‘OscReceiverInputKey’ used in type trait expression

and in Array.h
*/Users/Shared/UnrealEngine/4.7/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Public/Containers/Array.h:578:3: error: no matching function for call to ‘DestructItems’

It seems to be something to do with the OscReceiverInputKey

Hi guys !

The thread subscribing functionality of the forum does not work perfectly. I’ve just found out your problem on MacOSX…

I strongly encourage you to post an “issue” on the Github, when you are confident it is a bug.

Back on the issue, I’ll fix it ASAP, but I don’t have much time right now…
Probably next week.

In the mean time, pulling the penultimate commit should work on OSX.

Thanks Monsieur Gustav for your great contribution!

tried the penultimate commit with no luck!
I´m not sure what is the problem, I just receive some errors in the OSCReceiverInputKey when compiling, but if I find it I´ll post it as an “issue” in on the Github!

Hi Everybody,

I get a problem when I try to add the “Refresh visual studio project stage”. This is the message I get:

Failed to generate project files. Log output:
Running D:/Epic Games/4.7/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe -projectfiles -project=“C:/Users/Administrator/Documents/Unreal Projects/gardentoy_test/gardentoy_test.uproject” -game -rocket -progress
Discovering modules, targets and source code for game…
UnrealBuildTool Exception: System.Exception: Could not find token at index 0
bij fastJSON.JsonParser.NextTokenCore()
bij fastJSON.JsonParser.ParseValue()
bij fastJSON.JSON.ToObject(String json, Type type)
bij fastJSON.JSON.ToObject[T](String json)
bij UnrealBuildTool.Plugins.LoadPluginDescriptor(FileInfo PluginFileInfo, LoadedFromType LoadedFrom)
bij UnrealBuildTool.Plugins.FindPluginsRecursively(String PluginsDirectory, LoadedFromType LoadedFrom, List1& Plugins) bij UnrealBuildTool.Plugins.DiscoverAllPlugins() bij UnrealBuildTool.RulesCompiler.FindAllRulesSourceFiles(RulesFileType RulesFileType, List1 AdditionalSearchPaths)
bij UnrealBuildTool.ProjectFileGenerator.DiscoverTargets()
bij UnrealBuildTool.ProjectFileGenerator.AddProjectsForAllTargets(List1 AllGames, ProjectFile& EngineProject, Dictionary2& GameProjects, Dictionary2& ProgramProjects, HashSet1& TemplateGameProjects)
bij UnrealBuildTool.ProjectFileGenerator.GenerateProjectFiles(String] Arguments, Boolean& bSuccess)
bij UnrealBuildTool.UnrealBuildTool.GenerateProjectFiles(ProjectFileGenerator Generator, String] Arguments)
bij UnrealBuildTool.UnrealBuildTool.Main(String] Arguments)

This is all pretty new to me, but would be great if someone could help
