Hi, i was doing more tests and originally i was using x-www-form-urlencoded (url) and was working but doing more tests with the latest update i changed to Json format and is workinng now!!
and yeah, i replaced the Get VaRest Subsystem node and that fixed the compiling issue.
Thanks for your quick answer! and thanks for this amazing plugin!
I have been trying for a few Hours now to use this Plugin from within cpp. But this is often changed and badly documented by Epic so i had no luck yet.
i edited my *.Target.cs to include " ExtraModuleNames.AddRange(new string] { “VaRest” }); "
when trying to access the subsystem with " UVaRestSubsystem vaRest; " VS recognized the missing include and suggests to add “#include <VaRest/Public/VaRestSubsystem.h>”
this works in the editor but at compile throws error that the file can’t be found, i tried many variations of the include (<>or “”, direclty incldue the .h, add Runtime/ to the start …) to no avail
at this point i am stuck and to keep my quesiton short: how to include this Plugin to be used from cpp in UE4.24 ?
The links provided in the OP does not go to usage examples, nor does it have any documentation on how to use it. Does anyone have any links to how to use this with example blueprints? The few youtube examples are from old versions which isn’t the same
Edit: It turns out you can set the target to the node as VA Rest Subsystem. So it kind of works now but no documentation yet >.<
when I use the GitHub repository for 24.25 it tries to rebuild the modules (VaRest and VaRestEditor), however, it crashes and displays a message saying that my project can not be compiled. have someone have any luck using varest for UE4.25?
PD: do you know if it’s going to be soon at the market place for 4.25?
ok so I Downloaded 4.25plus from github and compiled source. How do i re compile your plugin for source build engines? your wiki is gone. your site links to dead links etc.
I need to recompile the plugin so i can use it with a project requiring chaos but it says this error when trying to compile it:
editor modules can’t be compiled while the engine is running.
With 4.25.2 I’m having issues getting my project to package. So I did a fresh pull on the repo and tried to load the the project and can’t. I have make sure that the plugin is installed in the engine, but am getting this error when I try to load or build the project:
I’m trying to call VaRest plugin in my own plugin written in C++. I think I need to get the object of the UVaRestSubsystem in order to be able to access the rest of the VA* objects (e.g. VaRestRequest, VaRestJson, etc.). How do I get the UVaRestSubsystem in C++? I’ve used BP and it’s just a node, but I’m not sure how to do that in C++.