After I upgraded to ver4.17, when I put the former Android project into mobile, this error occurred.( It’s not VR game).
I know GearVR was rolled into Oculus .And I tried to enabled OculusVR,but it is also ends in the same way.
This kind of error message also jumped out when open project:(also in a new project)
LogDirectoryWatcher: Warning: Failed to begin reading directory changes for C:/Users/lev/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject/Plugins/.
Has anyway fix this error for my game?
Sorry my poor English and thanks for an answer><
Same issue here. Do you were able to solve this problem?
I am running into the same problem after updating to 4.17. Have tried everything I could come up with, to no avail.
I don’t think it’s a good idea, but I create a new blank project and migrated everything to it. Any way,now my project can work as usual. Orz
It might not be the most desirable solution, but it works 
Apparently you still have leftover files referencing the old plugin before it was merged into OculusVR. To fix, delete these folders:
Your editor will need to recompile all the shaders, but if you were to copy stuff to a new project, that would also happen, so there’s no loss here.
Also, if you already launched your project on Android, you might have to delete the cache on your phone, located at
You can disable OculusVR
in Plugins