Hey, I’m the creator of EpicLeaderboard
I’m trying to get the plugin ready for UE 4.25 and everything works as long as you stay in the editor
but as soon as the project gets packaged and run it fails with this error message,
I’ve encountered this error previously and it was due to missing "Installed": true in the .uplugin file
however this time I have no clue as to why its not working,
it must be because of some changes in 4.25
the entire source code for the project is on github, just download it and give it a try yourself
Figured it out, its a UE4 bug introduced in either 4.24 or 4.25
to build and include the plugin with the package you must have a C++ source file in your project otherwise the plugins are going to be excluded.
So to fix it just add a dummy C++ class to your project close UE4, delete Intermediate, Build and Binaries folders
and reopen the project.
Hello, this fixed it for me by deleting everything in <our project>.uproject and restarting editor. That forced opened project selector … and stopped with the errors. Reverted the changes and now it’s all good.
Hello, I also have the same problem, the packaging is smooth, but after running the program it says that the plugin cannot be found. The plugins we use are different, see your post, how exactly did you solve it? Can you tell us more about it?
Running 5.2 (from the launcher) and I’m bumping into a similar issue. Unfortunately, the project is already a c++ project so the dummy actor class trick doesn’t work for me.
I tried deleting the .uproject file, binaries, intermediate and build folders and forcing a full rebuild on package. No change (other than it taking a bit longer to compile). The packing goes through smoothly, I can even see all the plugins pop up in the log, but the standalone build gives me that same error about missing plugin modules.
Any ideas what else it could be?
[EDIT] Seems to be something with the plugin itself, (all it contains is a UINTERFACE with a single function). Removing it from the project (replacing references to it with a temporary BP interface) fixed the immediate issue, packaged builds now boot up just fine, but I’ll see if I can dig into why it was failing.
not always. this is a very generic error, and i’ve seen it happening for several different obscure reasons. i don’t use bp only projects and i had it happening several times, with different reasons each time.
Thank you. Your reply led me to the root of my problem. I had renamed my plugin and changed the files to reflect the new name. This is what cause this error to appear in the first place. I changed the name of the plugin in all files but the PluginNameModule.cpp and PluginNameModule.h files. Updating the name of the plugin in these files fixed this but for me.