Plugin Causing Crash On Android 12 and above devices

I am using an Ad plugin also available on marketplace for free named “Bansh Ads” I used this plugin for advertisement from admob for my mobile game. I also published my game on play store.
The problem is my game is not opening/crashing on startup on Android 12 and 13 devices. I was confused for a week find what’s the problem and finally I caught it and the problem is the ad plugin I am using in my project.
Below android 12 version devices are running my game fine. The problem is in the package not on play store.

I think this plugin is not compatible with Android 12 and above versions. Is there any way to make this plugin run on Android 12 and above versions too?
I have no experience with coding so I need your help.

Here is the plugin file so that you can check what’s wrong with this plugin:

Google Drive:

You can compile this plugin for UE4.27.2 as it works with this version also.
Please help me out!

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hi , any solution ?? i’am having the same issue :frowning: