[Plugin] Anti-Cheat System

Ill take a look thanks, if you get time please add it.

Another question is there a place in the code i can print out what trigger a program to be closed? main issue I’m getting its closing down discord I’ve added !FST.Contains(TEXT(“discord”)) to ScanProcesses but it still closes it down thanks.

There is a C++ scanner within the Unreal API, besides the external .Net library.

To modify their response you are expected to edit both the C# and the C++ library.

Thanks the C# what is the name of this file?


I was able add a check for my games name in the loop so it now auto kills it self if the game isn’t running, also added a hash check, thanks for the help.

Nice plugin but the closing of “hack” software should be off by default. I think it is pretty invasive, especially since it is also possible to close innocent programs when just going by the name.

That’s template code.
You are supposed to change the code to your own needs.

Ok, I am very thankful for the great plugin so I don’t want to sound like I am complaining but in my opinion, if you just get it on the marketplace and it is not very clear that you need to modify and rebuild c++ stuff, for it to not randomly close innocent programs. I bet most people just download and use it with blueprint stuff like “safeFloat” and not for it to close programs and c++ stuff.
And suddenly their players complain that your game is closing their discord… well that’s how it happened to me but probably my own fault for just adding it without more in-depth research :slight_smile:

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The plugin was pushed to marketplace because users asked so.

It’s always been on GitHub instead, where originally published before the marketplace existed.

Back then Unreal Engine developers actually knew a bit the details of the engine and how to modify a small piece of code.

Ahh, that makes sense. Well, I know how to modify stuff and now did, but when I just found it on the marketplace and used it without looking too much into it I did not know I needed to do modifications since nothing like that is mentioned there. But again my fault, not complaining. Just wanted to let you know :slight_smile:

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Hi @BrUnO_XaVIeR ,

When using anti-cheat on the Unreal Engine 5.1 engine, after packing and launching the game immediately crashes. If turn off the anti-cheat in plugins, the game starts and works. Any ideas how to solve the problem? What can the plugin conflict with?
If you create a new empty project (for example, in first person) and try to enable the plugin, after package the crash will persist.
At the same time, the same project, but on UE 4.26 after packing, starts without problems.
Reinstalling the plugin and the engine did not solve the problem.


I can only take a look on weekend.
You should package debug build then email me the logs from the packaged debug build.

After building your package, go to the folder within your packaged solution:


and change the name of this folder ‘SCUE4’ to SCUE5:


Epic did not update the folder path ever on the Marketplace plugin, even though I requested before.

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Thanks a lot! There were thoughts in my head to test my theory with the name of this folder, but I did not dare. I thought that the project would definitely not work.
Thank you very much again!

UE4.27.2 from source, after Packed server, When I open, it starts and closes fast with no error log.

I packed the server with the debug option, when opening the dedicated server it initializes all the modules and closes right before opening the map, in the editor this does not happen. What could it be? I’ve been trying to figure it out for over a month. In the saved log it does not show any error. I’m using SCUE4 Anti Cheat. I think the plugin: SCUE4 Anti Cheat is causing this, I noticed that the SCUE64.exe executable doesn’t open on the packaged server different from the server on the Editor, so maybe the subsystem of the plugin is calling the exit function since the anti cheat doesn’t activated due to some problem. What I noticed is that when I compiled my project with the plugin activated, when starting the standalone game or server it showed an error saying that it was trying to reference the modules in the engine folder instead of the game project folder, so I was forced to copying the plugin to the folder plugins Marketplace > SCUE4 and recompiling the engine, which was not a good practice. Does anyone know how to fix the SCUE4 plugin reference to the project folder instead of the engine?

MyProject.log (71.9 KB)

[2023.03.10-16.53.14:108][  0]LogGenericPlatformMisc: FPlatformMisc::RequestExit(0)
[2023.03.10-16.53.14:110][  0]LogCore: Engine exit requested (reason: GenericPlatform RequestExit)
[2023.03.10-16.53.14:110][  0]LogWindows: Warning: CreateProc failed: The system cannot find the file specified. (0x00000002)
[2023.03.10-16.53.14:111][  0]LogWindows: Warning: URL: ../../../Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/SCUE4/Source/ThirdParty/x64/SCUE4x64.exe MyProject
[2023.03.10-16.53.14:111][  0]LogInit: Display: Game Engine Initialized.
[2023.03.10-16.53.14:112][  0]LogInit: Display: Starting Game.

I deactivated the SCUE4 Anti Cheat plugin, compiled the project and repackaged it, the problem ended, in fact what was causing the shutdown was the Anti Cheat plugin, I don’t know exactly why, I believe it is some bug that causes the process to terminate. game as if it were some “malicious process” trying to inject and cheat.

The problem was copying a plugin downloaded from the Marketplace and putting it in the source project folder, it was referencing the Marketplace engine folders, it is necessary to delete the plugin binaries and recompile the project with the plugin activated.

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