Please someone help me figure out what's stopping me from packaging this project

I seriously need help with this. This “True” variable is stopping me from packaging the project. I’ve searched the content, bps and File Explorer, deleted, redownloaded and replace assets but NOTHING! Testing VS it crashes on level 4 with the landscape but it built fine before this. Please help.
(also forums won’t let me upload more than 1 image)
Here’s the full thing on reddit: Here

Hey there @WTS6697! This is one I haven’t found a good answer to why it happens, and worse even it’s an issue that when it occurs it can occur to many MANY types of objects. It’s quite literally likely a Bool somewhere that is causing the issue, but running through the callstack and verifying it is much harder. Slightly different line location since there’s was a different variable type however. The problem comes with identifying which variable is causing this. A couple of users last year found a solid way of doing it, however the cost is that you have to use the debugger. Which if you don’t work from source/know what you’re doing it going to be a bit harder.

Post 20 by Fury22PL is the one that can help identify the var that needs to be deleted and reintroduced.

Thanks for the tip! Unfortunately yeah, I’m having difficulty finding it even between Visual Studio and the blueprint debugger open, I am playing it in the editor but nothing has crashed during my time playing so I have no idea how to lock it down

Well keep up the debugging! From all of the times and permutations I’ve seen this crop up in, it’s always a pain to replicate. Multiple reports and issues tracked, but since it’s not something you can replicate easily it’s hard to pin down what exactly causes it. Let me know if you end up coming across it, I’m keeping a bit of a tabs on each of these to see any patterns.