Please Help! Simulate and Render Adds their own Directional Light, Sky Atmosphere, Sky Mesh etc.

Hello, I’m having a problem with rendering. The scene im editing on my viewport does not match while rendering it. The simulation engine is changing bunch of options including light settings, color settings and interestingly sky mesh.

Post Process Volume is set on manual exposure. While simulating, im seeing a new post process volume is occurring. Even if I change settings on this Volume, it is not matching with the settings im seeing on editing and besides it is not permanent; it changes on rendering, as well.
This is the scene I would like to see on my render:

This is what I get on render

This is the skybox mesh on editing:

This is the changed skybox mesh on simulate:

This is the Post Process Volume that occurs on Simulate:

I hope someone can help me

I think the engine creates new layers of Skysphere, Directional Light, Sky Atmosphere etc when I hit simulate/play and it uses them instead of my settings. But I still couldn’t figure out how to stop engine doing it. I’m still in need of help