Please help! School project due in 3 days and unreal has deleted my character blueprint!

I have a project due in 3 days and Unreal has just gone ahead and deleted my Player character blueprint. I always make sure I save my project so I know for a fact it wasn’t that. The .uasset for it is still in the windows file explorer but it has a file size of 0kb.


I have had constant issues involving unreal engine messing up my blueprints in the past. When I boot my project up my character blueprints would be missing meshes and other components and wouldn’t work. The only fix I could find was to change them to a different class and then back again.

Hey there @Friskymeth! Welcome to the community! Sorry to hear you’ve lost your player blueprint! If you’re using any form of source control, I’d recommend rolling back to a previous point. However you may be able to find a backup in the YourProject\Saved\Autosaves\ folder. If you do find the player’s BP there and intact, first I’ll recommend backing up your current version of your project, then replacing the 0kb playerBP asset with the version from the Autosaves folder then launch the project again. Let me know how it goes!

Thank you so much, this saved me hours of work. Its still really annoying having like a 30% chance that my blueprints will break every time I Close the editor.

This is the issue I keep having and these post are from earlier this year.

I’m glad it was sorted! The autosave folder can help in situations where a bug like this occurs but don’t rely on it as it’s inconsistent. Thanks, that’s an excellent resource for working around that bug as well. That said I also recommend using some form of source control (Git/Github, Perforce, etc) even for smaller projects in case you need to roll back anything in the future.

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