Yesterday it was working but when I opened my project today, my character mesh is empty and no content showing in the details section to set it back again:
Yesterday it was working but when I opened my project today, my character mesh is empty and no content showing in the details section to set it back again:
Hey @Claviateur!
A few questions to help get the ball rolling:
Happened to me to a couple of times. Its when it doesn’t save properly and becomes corrupted.
Unless you have backups, they best you can do is copy any blueprint and functions, then make a new one.
As I am new to the UE blueprint learning etc. I can’t really remember or identify the changes I made or any specific reason but it happened once so far (I started the tutorials 3 weeks ago) and now that I think about it, it could be that I might have experienced a crash in the UE before this happened. Not too sure though. Sorry new to the whole thing so do not know exactly why. So far, it did not reproduce.
Hey @Claviateur,
If you can not reproduce your error, coupled with the fact that you had experienced a crash, it is very likely that the file is corrupted. @Z3R0K0’s suggestion of moving your current functions over to a new blueprint is more than likely what you need.
Ok, I got this bug again, two more times now without any crash in UE5.3.2
In these 2 events, I simply saved the project, waited for it to finish saving and closed the Engine…
The only thing I could think about is perhaps, but not sure at all, it could be because I have a Spline with the AI Character Mesh.
The reason I am suspecting that this is the cause of the bug, it’s because I duplicated my blueprint instance for the character , but removed the Spline in one instance and kept it in the other. The one without did not loose the mesh while the one with, lost the mesh content and the Details section is empty.
Now if I duplicate the empty character mesh, I get one showing the details (of course without the lost mesh and settings). Yet it is not useful because the origial one is the master I guess and this one does not work even if I bring back the Mesh to it etc.
And I can’t delete the empty buggy character mesh instance to recreate one, I have to rely on my backup.
EDIT: I just discovered that I also lost my Mesh in the backup project. In fact I did the backup while I was in the Engine working and the Mesh was there. I copied the whole project to another drive. Now I open it and the Mesh in the backup was not there either.
This is the Spline with the character mesh that I lost.
I had a similar problem. I was working with a water spline and the water kept disappearing in the blueprint editor and on the level.
Moving it about on the level made it reappear on the level but not in the blueprint.
I have a hunch this is some kind of bug.
I decided to separate the Spline from the Mesh and call it in the Blueprint. Since a few days now, the Mesh is there and the bug did not happen. I will follow up if it does.
If it was working look at deleting your .umap and binaries etc and go into saves and look for map auto saves google ue level autosaves before doing it and you will find a couple vids on it
I have the exact same problem after undoing changes
Some of my blueprints have the same symptoms. The mesh was some unfathomable distance away from the actual root component in the view screen for some reason. They appear fine when spawned in the level, but going to look at them requires:
selecting the mesh,
looking around until you see the intractable movement axis, giving away the mesh’s position,
setting the camera speed to 8 and moving to them for 20+ seconds until you reach the mesh.
Not sure if this is the issue but it is what happened to me. Never found a way to “resolve” this as it worked in the level.
This bug keeps happening. So frustrating, as i had just made a lot of work on character and didn’t yet check it into source control.
Also seeing this issue only when a spline has been added. This is what I have tried so far to minimally reproduce bug with no success:
Something else must be required. This broke my BP_TopDownCharacter in my actual game so I suspect the spline must be used in the event graph in some way to cause the bug, possibly during on tick.
I thought it was this and maybe it is, until I lost an AI Mesh from the BP without a spline. But the only thing I remember doing is that I copied files from the Content while the project was opened (as a backup before doing some tests). I am not sure it is also another reason to corrupt the mesh but initially, I thought that the Spline combined with the Mesh (AI) was the issue
I’m having this problem too and I’m only doing a simple fps course that has basic movement and 1 animation blueprint yet
No idea how to replicate the issue, but the mesh has gone and the details tab too, although I can see the mesh in the icon of the content browser
I’m using version 5.3.2, and this issue occurred today where I had to rely on my autosave to restore my player character. I attempted to replicate the problem but was unsuccessful. I suspect it’s a bug related to the undo/redo feature. When I attempted to undo and redo changes to a float variable multiple times, this bug occurred. For now, I suggest reducing the autosave interval so that assets are saved more frequently. This is quite concerning and needs to be addressed.
Again, this is what worked for me, I hope it helps whoever gets this bug.
I got this bug again and I tried your method to fix it, and it works , thank you so much for sharing it!
Every time I had to count on backups and copy all the new blueprints and variable to it. Now it is a much shorter workaround. And I am less stressed now to get this bug again… But I hope they will fix it.
It happened to me again. Generally speaking, version 5.3 is by far the buggiest version of UE I’ve ever worked on. One thing I’ve noticed is that when my character blueprint is open as a tab and I start working on other characters like the enemies, this bug may occur. I’m not entirely sure, but in my free time, I will investigate this problem further to see if I manage to replicate this bug.
This exact bug also happened to me in UE 5.3.2 where I was following a tutorial on Udemy. I had a mesh on my character and after opening my project a few days later my mesh was no more in the character and the details tab of the mesh component was empty. The solution with changing the parent class worked for me but I had to still add my mesh etc. again.