Please bring back the legacy answerhub

Sorry for the problems, we are investigating.

For images - we have had some trouble during the migration process where attachments did not come through as expected and additional work had to be done post migration to resolve that. Investigating further on Monday with the team.

Re links - All 138 000+ Answerhub posts were migrated and are on the forum. Nothing should be lost. All old links should forward, and google should find all new links.
But yes indeed those 3 links posted here are dead. We are investigating that one too as to why the redirecting is not handling these.
All 3 of the ones mentioned here do actually exist:

Edit: The problem is the locale in the URL. If you remove en-US from the Answerhub URL the redirect works fine. Many AH URLs do not have the URL in them, but it appears we may have overlooked what happens when the locale is present. This should be an easy fix I will ask the team to work out next week. Sorry for having overlooked this.

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